First batch of photos for St. Patrick’s Day parade 2016 are now uploaded.

Events, Photos, Website

Progress continues on getting the photos of the 2016 St. Patrick’s Day parade online. The first batch is now ready featuring images from early morning in Dooagh.

Check out the gallery by clicking here or on the gallery pages on the left.


More photos from the 2015 parade to come

Events, News, Website

Great news! I got sent some more photos of the St. Patrick’s Day parade courtesy of my sister-in-law Annette McNamara. I will put them together with the other photos from Catherine Keane and Carol Ann McNulty into one 2015 gallery.  Hopefully, it will be ready by the weekend.

Feel free to get in contact if you have any photos you would like featured on the site.

St. Patrick’s Day 2015 next Tuesday

Events, News, Photos, Website

Unfortunately, I am not able to be in Achill for St. Patrick’s Day this year so I won’t be able to take the usual photos from the parade.  I will try to get photos from other people. I would also encourage anyone to contact me with their own photos and I will be happy to post them on the site.

I can be contacted by email at or in the comments below.

Have a great time if you are going!

All photos now uploaded and available

News, Photos, Website

Finally, all of the photo galleries are now available on the new site. There is still some work to be done adding text to various galleries and tagging photos correctly. However, the main body of work is now complete.
I hope that the layout and usability of the site is an improvement. You can always go and look at the old site but no new photos or features will be added there.
In the course of porting over the information from the old site, I noticed that the guestbook has been deleted. That is a real pity as many great messages were left on there over the years. This is always a problem storing data with external sites where data can be deleted. The commenting available at the bottom of each page is now stored with the rest of the website. So if you left a message in the old system, please do so again. It would be great to see it.
Is there anything missing from the new site? Any features you would added? Just comment. 🙂

Some photo galleries added

News, Photos, Website

I have added photo galleries from the parades from 2007 to 2012. Click on the photos option beside the home button above to find the gallery years listed. There is now the possibility to show the photos as a slideshow using the PicLens option. This is not available for all browsers and devices.

Feel free to share the galleries on social networks at the bottom of the page or to comment on any aspect of a particular year. I’m working on getting commenting working for individual photos.


Website Redesign

News, Website

I hope you’ve noticed the new appearance. Unless you are a new visitor of course. Yes, the website is being redesigned for a more modern look, use more advanced functionality and engage more people to participate either through writing new posts, commenting on information or photos posted here or sharing on social media. Some of those features are already available. The next step is porting the information from the old version of the site  to this one.

Comments on what you would like to see are welcome!

In the meantime, stay tuned.