#dooaghpipeband public posts on Instagram, Twitter, Flickr

Events, Photos

Do you have photos or videos that you want to share here? Then use the #dooaghpipeband on Instagram, Flickr or Twitter and have a public profile. Then your photos or videos can be embedded like the one below.

This is the feed with on Instagram :



View this post on Instagram


☘️ Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir! ☘️ 🇨🇮☘️🇨🇮☘️🇨🇮☘️🇨🇮☘️🇨🇮☘️🇨🇮☘️ #dooaghpipeband #achill #mayo #stpatricksday

A post shared by The Rustic Apron (@therusticapron) on

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2019


Good morning from Achill Island. It’s a blustery day so far but no rain.

The 2018 posts start now

Events, Photos


Managed to get into this site again and start posting content from the 2018 St. Patrick’s Day parade on Achill Island.
Let’s start with this one of the waking big drum on St. Patrick’s morning. More content coming over the next few weeks.