I missed seeing when this excellent video was posted by Tommy English about the 75th anniversary last year. Enjoy seeing the highlights of the anniversary celebrations.
The pipes, the pipes are calling again (mayonews.ie)
Events, NewsAnother great article about the band and St. Patrick’s Day in Achill after the interruptions due to the pandemic. The link to the article is below the image.

St Patrick’s Day celebrations highlight the exodus from rural Ireland (irishtimes.com)
Events, NewsA related article to the one posted in the Mayo News with some new photos of the day. The Irish Times looks at other stories of the exodus of young people and the return for St. Patrick’s Day. Link to the article is below the image.

St Patrick’s Day celebrations highlight the exodus from rural Ireland (irishtimes.com)
No place like home for returning piper – Mayo News
Events, News, Photos
Good article in the Mayo News about returning to Ireland to play in the band.
“No matter where you are in the world on Paddy’s Day, your mind is at home. If you can’t be home, you’re picturing the band rehearsing, the day itself. The pride in the band is huge,” he said.
Dooagh Pipe Band at the Amythest St. Patrick’s Day 2022
Events, videoCredit to Dr. Oliver Snr. Whyte.
The band marching through Dooagh on St. Patrick’s Morning by Laoise Kelly
Events, videoMarching through Pollagh.
Events, Photos
Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2022!
Events, Photos
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Achill! After the interlude of the past couple of years, we can celebrate again.
Enjoy your day.
St. Patrick’s Weekend #DPB75 – Event Schedule
Events, News
Dooagh Pipe Band and Manchester’s’ Fianna Phadraig Pipe Band bands join forces to celebrate 150 years of Piping
Events, News
2022 is the 75th anniversary of Dooagh Pipe Band. As part of that event, Dooagh Pipe Band and Manchester’s’ award winning Fianna Phadraig Pipe Band are joining forces to celebrate this years Home to Mayo Festival in May.
The two bands who are both celebrating their 75th anniversaries are to stage a special joint celebration during the afternoon event on Sunday 29 May as part of the week long Mayo.ie Home to Mayo Tradfest which runs from Thursday 26 to Tuesday 31 May. The Tradfest will be touring Mayo and staging events in Attymass, Ballina, Castlebar, Cong, Ashford Castle, Achill Island and Westport.
More information can be found at the links below.
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